About Hats
This has to stop, people. I mean it. Don't make me come out there and snatch those gawdawful trucker hats off of each and every one of your heads and beat you about the head and shoulders with it.Once and for all: If you have all of your teeth, and none of them are brown or green, if you and your family are not the punchline in a Jeff Foxworthy joke, then you should NOT WEAR THE TRUCKER HAT.
Furthermore, if it has a brim, the brim should be worn over the brow, thereby shielding the eyes from sun and glare. See any photo of Humphrey Bogart, Ernest Hemingway, or even Jimmy Buffett.
Wearing them backwards, while appalling, is still more acceptable than wearing them askew. Askew is not a viable fashion statement. Are we clear on this? NOT. A. FASHION. STATEMENT. Ever. Even if you are nominally a celebrity.

Maybe I need to repeat that.
It doesn't look cool. It only looks stupid.
And this trend?

Of wearing trucker hats not only askew, but too small? Are you people trying to make my brain explode, or force me to poke myself in the eyes with the sharp end of a charred stick?
It isn't even acceptable on a cartoon character. In real life? It is just wrong.
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 05/13 at 01:06 PM in As I See It
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 05/13 at 01:06 PM in What the Fuck is Wrong With You People
Unless, of course, you actually are a trucker.