Be Here Now

Technorati Profile

In my never-ending attempts to keep current with technology I have:

1. installed a new stereo in my car that has both mp3 capabilities and a direct i-pod input
2. registered this blog with Technorati, which frankly, I thought I had done years ago
3. registered with something or other that lets me figure out my place in the blogospheric ecosystem

That is all.

For now. You know there will be Project Runway and ANTM reviews come morning. And can I just say now how freakin happy I am that they sent Moooonique home sooner than later, although there was a flashback to the heinous Darth Jader, and I Never wanted to see that face on the hi-def ever again.
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 10/04 at 11:48 PM in Geek Goddess

(1) Comments
#1. Posted by cary on October 05, 2006

A huge sigh of relief was heard in my house when Monique was sent packing. Although Jade was far from my favorite, at least she was mainly delusional while Monique was a flat out bitch.  Now off to read your review. :)

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