But She Breaks Like A Little Girl

I love John Stewart. And no, I just can’t leave off worrying this particular bone.

Posted by Miz Shoes on 09/04 at 09:35 PM in Yellow Dog Politics

(2) Comments
#1. Posted by MM on September 06, 2008

Thank god for recording technology! AND Jon Stew’em. Is anybody watching? or are you just not talkin’
Don’t ‘cha think Palin is the perfect Rove play…Rovin rovin rovin His place on Fox is such a perfect ploy, I mean place.
Let the games begin!

#2. Posted by gigi on September 10, 2008

I adore Jon Stewart and want to have his illegitimate Alaskan love-child.  I saw this and nearly cried with gratitude ~ the Republican Lie and Spin machine in flagrante! At last; proof no fool could deny.  I wanted to run to my computer and post it immediately.  I did not, because I have turned into a lazy old cynic of late.  But it should be linked on every blog on the internets.  It was perfection.

Glad you did!

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