Feed Your Head Cold

You know, I had a flu shot just a couple of weeks ago. So why did I wake up with a dripping and sore sinus this morning, which, by the time of this writing (4:30 EST) is now a raging head cold. I'm sneezing, dripping, mouth-breathing and cranky. I'm also out of sick leave and I'm not sure how many packages of Thera-Flu are in the kitchen pantry.

I just want to go home to the fuzzy bathrobe, flopsy puppy and bunny slippers and pass out on the sofa.

Groan, moan, bitch, whine and complain.
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 11/29 at 05:30 PM in Life? Don’t Talk to Me About Life.

(3) Comments
#1. Posted by gigi on November 29, 2006

Oh, sorry to hear it!  I can highly recommend my mother’s recipe for a nice hot toddy ~ a giant mug of Orange Pekoe or chamomile or pretty much any tea, plus 2 heaping tablespoons of Irish whiskey.  Me, I like to add a couple of splashes of NyQuil too.  You know, for the buzz. ;)

Feel better!

#2. Posted by RJ on November 30, 2006

You realize, of course, since the recent law change, NyQuil changed its formula and you can’t get a buzz off it anymore (that was the decongestant and alcohol).  If you want anything with a decongestant in it, you now have to ask for it at the pharmacy desk and give them ID.

Just sayin’.  Of course, a couple of shots of Irish whiskey is Irish penicillin, like chicken soup is Jewish penicillin.  It couldn’t hurt!  Actually, a nice hot toddy (similar to the above tea suggestion, but without the tea part) does work wonders. 

Feel better!

#3. Posted by gigi on December 01, 2006

I can’t believe they screwed with my NyQuil.

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