Flop Sweat

Nobody can say that Josh had flop sweats last night, as he woofed his way to doggie stardom. I, personally, was rooting for the Pembroke Welsh Corgi. I thought he had it all together and, in the words of our hosts "made the breed standard come to life." I also know/have known Pembroke Welsh Corgis in my life, and they are fine animals, indeed.

Shout out to Oliver, you good dog, you.

That's the fun part of today's entry. The rest is just misery. I'm having an early attack of spring fever, and the mild blue sky and fluffy white clouds outside my window are not helping any. Neither is the work I have to do today: scanning forms and rescanning forms and making PDFs out of said forms and explaining for the, like, twentieth time to the requesting department the difference in quality between a scan of a crappy print and a PDF made from the original electronic master. Which, of course, they cannot or will not give me.

BlogMadness continues, and once more I have advanced. But now it gets really hard, because I'll be facing off against an entry that is just so funny I've voted for it in every round till now. Now, I'll be forced to vote for myself. And I find that just icky. Even if it is a secret ballot.

Speaking of secret ballots, my boy Wes Clark is dropping out of the Democratic primaries. I'm sad about that. I still want to see someone who really served in the military go toe to toe with the Fly-boy in Chief. I guess all I have left to pin my hopes on is John Kerry. (Whinny, snort, paw the ground)
Posted by Miz Shoes on 02/11 at 12:08 PM in Yellow Dog Politics

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