Going to the Dogs

Oh, how I wish I were going to the dogs, the Westminster Dog Show, that is. But I'm not. I am watching it, though, from the comfort of my couch and with that big old flopsy walrus of a puppy, Miss JoJo in my lap.
Tonight is the hound group, and you can see a PBGV in that group. The first time they showed at Westminster, it was JoJo's grandsire... I think. It might not have been the first year, but he was in the center ring there one year.

I love this show. I love hearing the breed standards, I love seeing the dogs strut their stuff, as aware of their audience as any rock star, or star athlete.

For the first time this year, Westminster is offering streaming video on their site of ALL the breed judgings. So you can see, for example, all the Komondors looking like animated mops as they prance around in their dreadlocks.

I love the dogs.


(2) Comments
#1. Posted by Oliver on February 15, 2005

Bark, barkbarkbark, barkkkk, waooooo, barkbarkbark

#2. Posted by Miss Bliss on February 16, 2005


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