Obligatory Bush-Bashing Joke of the Day

And a special thanks to my most Southern Sistergirl, Miss Pearlie Mae, for this one.

President George W. Bush was scheduled to visit the Methodist Church outside Washington as part of his last campaign. Karl Rove made a visit to the Bishop and said to him, "We've been getting a lot of bad publicity among Methodists because of Bush's position on stem cell research, the War, and such. I'll gladly make a contribution to the church of $100,000 if during your sermon, you'd say the President is a saint."

The Bishop thinks it over for a few moments and says, "The Church is in desperate need of funds. I will do it."

Bush pompously shows up that following Sunday, looking especially smug, sneering for his photo ops, while strutting his way, cowboy-style, into the church.

As the sermon starts, the Bishop begins his homily:

"George Bush is a petty, self-absorbed hypocrite as well as a nitwit. He is a liar, a cheat, probably still a drunk, and a low-intelligence sneaky weasel. He has lied about his military record, and then had the gall to put himself in uniform on a military jet, landing on a carrier, and then posing before a banner stating 'Mission Accomplished.' He invaded a country for oil and money, all the while lying to the American people about the war, with nary a care for the thousands of lives it has taken and continues to take. He is the worst example of a Methodist I've ever personally known or known of. But compared to Dick Cheney, George Bush is a saint."
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 01/20 at 10:33 AM in Yellow Dog Politics

(2) Comments
#1. Posted by LM on January 20, 2006

Aaah, I might actually GO to church to hear something like that come out of the pulpit.

PS: Shrub doesn’t actually do ANYTHING cowboy-style. He doesn’t even count as a drugstore cowboy. He’s just a pathetic poser who can afford reeeally nice boots.

#2. Posted by MM on January 20, 2006

Keeping our ability to laugh is a very good and important thing. Thanks for sharing!

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