Oh, and Another Thing

Read this. Read this out loud every time you hear someone say "Liberal" like it's a dirty word.

I just may have found the one person in America with a fouler mouth than me, and the bad sense guts to print their opinions. I keep saying this, and I hope I don't turn into a stalker, but the Rude Pundit is my political idol. I love him. I want him to come and visit me so we can go out and drink ourselves into a coma as we screech invective against the Bush cabal and the filthy running dogs who call themselves journalists.
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 10/13 at 01:43 PM in That’s Entertainment Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 10/13 at 01:43 PM in Yellow Dog Politics

(3) Comments
#1. Posted by Elle on October 14, 2004

I think we should have an election night watch-the-results party at his house!

#2. Posted by PunkAssBitch on October 14, 2004


thanks for that link, the RudePundit will now be among my daily reads…gotta love a man that also thinks that Anne Coulter is a cunt that has been fucked by too many limp Republican dicks LOL.

#3. Posted by Becca on October 20, 2004

I, too, adore the Rude Pundit.  I don’t know this man—hell, I don’t even know if he IS a man—but I don’t care: I want to marry him.  Of course I don’t mean that in the actual grown-up “let’s build a life together and all that bullshit” way.  I mean it like I did when I was a kid and crushing on Han Solo.  That squealy, little-girl, “Omigod I love him so much, I wanna marry him!” way.  I have a massive crush on the Rude Pundit.

BTW, just found your blog, and I love it.  On the rare occasion that I come across someone who thinks like I do, it’s usually a dude—so it’s nice to find other chicks who appreciate stuff like the Rude Pundit.  :)

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