Shtinky Puddin’

Ming the Merciless is home today, having undergone an exploratory surgery Saturday. Where the vet found absolutely no reason for Ming to have stopped pooping. That’s both the good and bad news. No thread wad, no tumor, no adhesions from previous surgery. Just an immobile intestine, which the vet massaged, saying that often that will jump start the peristalsis. Anyway, Ming is home and the dogs are respecting his space. He’s drooling, which is both unattractive and suspicious, but again, the vet assures me this means nothing. Ming has used his litter box to pee, but we await the tootsie rolls of feline health.

I have delayed my trip to Mouseville another day. I have updated my etsy shop, where you can now find a lot of vintage knitting books, and a scarf and a shawl that were hand knit by yours truly.

If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to the pool deck to watch Ming and knit a purse, not necessarily in that order.

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 12/10 at 02:22 PM in Pets

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