The Most Misunderstood Word in English

Has got to be "no". Because nobody around my office ever seems to be able to figure out what it means.

Him: Do you have stock photography?

Me: Some. Seven disks of medical stuff.

Him: Anything else?

Me: No.

Him: What about other stuff? Other than medical?

Me: Uh, still no.

Him: Why not?

Me: Other than this is a hospital and all I do is the hospital web site, and have no use for other stuff? Or other than nobody buys me stock art?

Him: Well, I want to add graphics to the web pages I'm designing so that I can give them to you to design.

Me: Please don't.

(Me, thinks: thank god it's my night to work out with Nic Cage. And then go home and drink.)
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 08/19 at 08:30 PM in Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 08/19 at 08:30 PM in What the Fuck is Wrong With You People

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