The Nightbird

Back in the dawn of time, when Miz Shoes lived in Manhattan, there was a DJ by the name of Allison Steele, The Nightbird. She was the overnight DJ on what was then WNEW, the best, most progressive station in the area. On Valentine’s Day, she would take (or pretend to take) dedications, and intro’d the songs by describing the valentine.

This one’s all red velvet and hearts, she’d say and then play some Peggy Lee. Or this one is covered in lace and has little hearts dotting the i’s, and up would come Stevie Nicks.

Allison’s voice was black velvet itself, with a side of whiskey, neat. I missed her yesterday, and the rest of the jocks who had talent and voices, and didn’t spend hours sniggering at their own puerile jokes.

This one’s got stars and moons, and a slight whiff of Chanel.

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 02/15 at 03:48 PM in Random Crap

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