I love me that Bob Dylan. This week, with the release of Martin Scorsese's documentary, I've been in deep Bob mode. All Bob, all the time on the i-pod. Obscure releases, bootlegs, new stuff, old stuff. But something came to me as I was watching "No Direction Home", and that is this: if they ever make a bio-pic of the Bob, there is only one man who could play the part... Johnny Depp.
No. Really. Look at these two photos, and tell me that this isn't another case of separated at birth.

You see?
Or, failing that, Johnny could play Jack Barron in the film version (never to be made, I'm afraid) of "Bug Jack Baron" and Laurence Fishburne could play his friend who's the president of the Black United States. And Christopher Walken could play the creepy old guy who's using the pituitary glands from little kids to remain young for ever.
No. Really. Look at these two photos, and tell me that this isn't another case of separated at birth.

You see?
Or, failing that, Johnny could play Jack Barron in the film version (never to be made, I'm afraid) of "Bug Jack Baron" and Laurence Fishburne could play his friend who's the president of the Black United States. And Christopher Walken could play the creepy old guy who's using the pituitary glands from little kids to remain young for ever.