Back in January, RJ came over and helped me make a bird sanctuary in my back yard. I put in feeders, and a bird bath, and a squirrel feeder to try to keep the furry little bastards out of the bird feeders. I learned early that South Florida squirrels turn their cute whiskered noses up at dried corn. They prefer sunflower seeds, and most particularly, raw peanuts. It keeps them happy, fat and out of the mango trees, so I’m happy to feed them what ever they want.
But now it’s July, and my lawn (such as it is) is overrun by these plants.
What are they? Those, my dear gentle readers, are peanut plants. I have a veritable peanut plantation sprouting at random throughout my yard. Not only do the squirrels squirrel away nuts for later, the blasted blue jays do too. Next year I won’t have to buy peanuts, I’ll just harvest the yard. But I may boil these little guys up for myself, and start feeding the critters roasted nuts.