Dec 1st, 2005


Today is World AIDS Day. I am wearing a scarlet dress, and my White Party pin. I am thinking about my friends, and I'm going to do something I never do on this site: name names.
I lit a candle on the virtual candle site for John Borella. I didn't try to light more, one for every friend I miss. And anyway, unless I go to another computer, the site won't let me. But for every candle that's lit, Bristol Myers Squibb will donate $1 to HIV/AIDS research.

Let's light up their map, shall we?

Here's to my friends:

John Borella
Nick Cannon
Shel Lurie
Scotty Neail
Richard Neail
Ken Cutthoff
Alan Mark Wayne
Rick Whitley

and to the celebrities: Rock Hudson, Alexander Godunov, Liberace, Freddy Mercury

Oh, I know this isn't a complete list. How could it be? But it is a list of people I loved or admired, and who are now gone.

Jewish tradition holds that as long as you remember them, people live on. It's one of the reasons we name our children after our dead.

Today, I name names, because that's how people live on.