Aug 16th, 2008

You’ve Got to Be Cruel to Be Kind

Yeah. I’m hip deep in my studio, wading through PIGS (Projects in Garbage Sacks), UFOs (Un-Finished Objects) and just regular piles trying to wrestle it into shape so that I can work. I have two major projects in the works: a tallis for my niece (in pink and green and purple, of course), and a pair of throws out of the SisterGirlFriendGirl’s daddy’s ties. I am cursing the silk and yearning for the nice, lumpy, forgiving mess that is felting. I’ve uncovered a couple of things that I think I’m going to fix and finish, in between the real projects.

At some point today or tomorrow, I’ll be posting pics. Not of the workroom, of course, because pictures of my work space in the messy stage is enough to make the sweet baby Jesus drink gin from the cat dish.