Or perhaps more accurately, I have yet to find it. Today’s multi-tasking includes cutting and pinning a larger-than-queen-sized quilt from fabrics that I won over the internet in the 1990s and the first decade of the 2000s. Yeah, it’s been hanging around waiting to be born, what about it? It’s not like I’ve had a lot of time, y’know? And now that I do, I am finding it hard to not just sit on the back deck with a cup of coffee and stare at the bird feeders and the squirrels having their way with the seeds. At any rate, in order to keep some sort of sanity while I do that cutting and sorting and pinning, I have stepped in my studio to write this entry.
That led to a few moments of felting as I waited for my laptop to boot up. And when I put the heart down on my sewing table, it picked up the colors of the lonely, still unfinished colorwork sock that has been riding around in my knitting bag for a year or two itself… And the sunlight fell on both in such a lovely way, through the filter of the creeping ficus in the lattice over the koi pond just outside this room, that, well, I had to stop and take a photo of it before the light shifted.

Quite lovely, non?
But I digress. Since I can say what I like, now, I’d like to say this: Oh, little boy who is my nephew’s friend, don’t worry. It’s going to be fine. You’re fine. In fact, I predict that within the next five years, you will find yourself the sweetheart of the MENSA sorority. You rock on with your unstylish mop of long hair, and your rumpled shirt. I saw the competition at the bar mitzvah, those preening little boys in their suits, thinking that they rocked the world… You, my pet, you are the real thing, though you may not even know that yet yourself. Don’t let anyone ever change you.
And now, I must go back to the quilting squares. They aren’t going to cut and sort and pin themselves, you know.
A year ago today, I sat with my mother, holding her hand, playing every version of “By the River of Babylon” I could find, reciting prayers and generally midwifing her soul into the great beyond.
I played this, too.
Well, it is way too late in the season to begin recapping Sons of Anarchy, but Miz Shoes has to say this about the last episode: Adam Arkin.
Halfway through the opening sequence, I turned to the RLA and said, who is directing this espisode? This is beautiful. At the end of scene, I stood up and applauded. The writing was beautiful, but of course, but the acting and the directing in this espisode were stellar. Again, bravo and golf claps and some serious respect to the director. I have always loved watching any of the Arkin clan at work in front of the camera, but this just blew me off the sofa.
In other news, today is the RLA’s birthday, and I am baking him a red velvet cake and making a promise to him: I will try to stop playing with wool in the house. Until I move into the free-standing studio, I will content myself with non-alergen-filled projects like beading and hand sewing. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Do or do not, there is no try.
It took longer than anticipated. It still needs some tweaking, not to be confused with twerking, and there may be some parts missing. Nevertheless, Miz Shoes is proud to unveil Girlyshoes Three Point Oh, now with more LOLZ.
What do you think?
I give up. I have spent close to two hours with my hosting service’s tech support. They are stumped. I have sent a tech support request to my CMS. I’m going to go work on a quilt now, because the sewing machine works. Unlike my brain and the back end of this blog.
I swore to myself that the first thing I was going to do once I left the office was revamp this blog. Today I found two installations of the software I use to make it. I’ve never cleaned my virtual house and now I am going to have to do a clean install of my cms, rewrite everything and redesign this site. Not that I couldn’t update without that, but it would probably result in three installations and more problems. The last time I updated I lost my photo libraries and archives, and I never had the time to figure out that problem, so it’s time.
Say goodbye to Girlyshoes, and hello to Girlyshoes Three Point Oh, now with more cats.
Or it will be soon.